The biggest event in all of Europe occurred this past Saturday night. That is of course the Eurovision Song Contest finals. Imagine the American Idol finals only long and drawn out and some terribly cheesy hosts, so... I guess it's exactly like American Idol. Hmm. All of Europe (43 countries, slightly more than Europe) competes in this contest and then votes on the 25 countries that make it to the finals after the two semifinal nights. Everyone performs and then there is 15 minutes for people to call in or text their votes for who wins. 15 minutes. They don't mess around. They don't wait for 10 year old girls to vote 300 times like on American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. Then we get to see a talking head for each of the 43 countries tell us how their country voted (12 points to the country with the most votes, 10 for the second, 8 for the third, then 7,6,5,4,3,2,1). And you can't vote for your own country, which usually means that most votes of a given country go to their neighbors or related countries like most of Scandinavia will vote for the other Scandinavia countries. This works out to some wierd votes though like former Soviet countries voting for Russia and Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia & Montenegro giving each other 12 points each. The country that wins gets to host the contest the next year (Serbia won last year). We have conflicting reports however about the top five finalists. We were first under the impression that the top five finalists get a by into the finals of the next year, but then one of our friends thinks that the countries that spend thie most in sponsering the event get byes along with the host country. That could be plausible as the five finalists that didn't have to compete in the semifinals were France, Spain, Germany, the UK and Serbia. Obviously that's four of the biggest countries in Europe and could afford to poney up the green, or the rainbows of color that are the Euros. France and Spain had some weird entries but I dug 'em.

songs or ringtones here
(All artist photos from the Eurovision website).

In other news, I made my coaching debut with the 86ers on Saturday. I think we were a little better than last week although we still lost. The game did give me an idea of things we could work on this week. Here I am coaching up one of our safetys.
Here's the new picture for you all to take a guess at to what time it was taken.
Congratulations to Emily for being the closest on the last picture which was taken at 9:30 pm. Your Souljah Boy cd is in the mail. As always closest guess wins a prize, or something.