Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our New Apartment

How Much is Your Dollar Worth?
$1 = 8.0893 SEK

So as promised here are some pictures of our new apartment. It's a beautiful two room apartment down town near the train station. Lot's of space for visitors. We moved in last week and I think we have everything set up now. A little scared to use the fireplace yet. We don't have a tv yet so you see the laptop being used for the time being. We have some friends that have offered old ones to us so we will check those out.

The weather has been a little on the bleak side, snow flurries and cold, but hey it's winter time you know.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Back in Sverige

How Much Is Your Dollar Worth?
$1 = 8.2668 SEK

Hej all. We are back in Sweden after an extended stay (4 weeks) in the US, mostly spent in Syracuse but included a quick trip for me over to western Washington to see my family as a gracious gift from Ragen's parents. We decided to stay longer than originally planned because we did find an apartment here but we cannot move in until Inauguration day, tomorrow. We figured we would stay longer to avoid having to couch surf at friends' places until then. Lucky for us one of Ragen's friends Tess left for a conference in Denmark a week early and we could stay at her place and not have to sleep on couches or move around from place to place to avoid overstaying our welcome anywhere.

Right now Ragen is also in Denmark for this same conference. She is at some little town that required a second flight from Copenhagen and an hour long taxi ride after landing at an airport similar to the one in Pullman or Nantucket Island (nice use of a Wings reference I know). She is staying in a frozen dorm room that takes the word spartan to another level. And she will be enjoying dinner in the cafeteria tonight where they were given strict instructions that only one beverage, be it a beer, wine, or soda, is free and you have to pay cash for anything more. Also there are no ATMs there at this "campus" and no one has any Danish crowns on them; just to make things more interesting.

As for me:

Status: Typing, duh.

Mood: Tired (got up at 3:30 this morning to see Ragen off to Denmark, also not adjusted to time change yet - harder to do when you hit 30 I guess).

What I'm watching: Twin Peaks on DVD thanks to our lovely host Tess (Little known fact: Swedes love Twin Peaks... maybe because of the Norwegians in the beginning).

That's for all you FaceSpace or MyBook kids out there, or what ever you kids do to stay in contact with each other when you can't be bothered to call or email or even SMS each someone. Kids and their technology, mmmrrrrggghhh, can't even be bothered to talk to someone in person. (Now that I'm 30 I am apparently channeling Clint Eastwood from Gran Torino, without all the racial stuff - good movie, see it if you haven't already). "But wait Mr. McClure isn't blogging the same thing?" "Ha ha ha ha. It sure is Billy. It sure is!" (Deleted scene from Troy McClure in "Meat And You: Partners in Freedom").

Anyway this was just a post to let you all know we are still around and kickin'. I'll post more once I get us moved from Ragen's office and into our apartment tomorrow "now with pictures!" Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day (there's even a street here named after him) and besure to watch the Inauguration tomorrow. They are already talking about it in every Swedish paper and on the news.

Take care.

P.S. I know who killed Laura Palmer

buh bum buh buh, bum buh buh buh bum buh (try getting that out of your head now)