Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Good News Everyone!
Down at the bottom of the page you may notice a new feature. It's a map search program from Google maps. I don't know what it adds to the page but I'm still learning how to add widgets and pimp this baby out a bit. You can enter Uppsala, Sweden and then start zooming out to get an idea of where we will be for the next year. That's kind of cool I guess. Anyway, let us know what you think.
Peace out.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Uppsala Lastbil
This was our rental car for getting across the country. We were supposed to have an Explorer, but you know, options are limited in Pullman so we got the Dodge Nitro, which was the largest of the SUV's they had. We needed something that would be roomy enough for us, Jax, and everything we may need for the potentially the next two years. So you can see how loaded we had it.
So the Nitro was good. I liked it. It had crazy head space, but the doors were low so you had to go in head first, weird. The passenger side door was a little off, didn't line up the right way but it worked. It was a good car, very rugged. Ragen thinks it looked like a toy truck. Jax seemed ok with it, even though he needed a lift to get in most days.
The Legend of Lake Effect
Here's Jax at the hotel in Missoula.
So we are still in the 'Cuse, waiting for our visas. Haven't heard anything at this point even though our 6 to 8 weeks have passed... hopefully in the next couple of days. So the plan now is to hear and receive our visas and then maybe we can fly out before the Super Bowl (I wonder if the commercials are as big a deal in Sweden).
In other news...
We lucked out on the weather for our drive across and have been looking forward to the "feet" of snow that they get here in Syracuse. So far we've got about four inches. And as Ryan Lahne pointed out back in Pullman, "I've shoveled snow like every day." So we heard about this big snow storm that was supposed to roll in last weekend and dump a foot of snow on Sunday. Sunday came and went and nothing happened. Although it did dump over three feet about 30 miles to the north. So close.
I got to see my mom and Kelly this weekend. She flew into Syracuse to help him to drive across country to San Diego. It was nice to see them before we go and next time we will see them will be in Berkley in June. They have not been as lucky with the weather at this point. Now they are about half way there now.
So we have some pictures from our drive that I have been negligent in posting so I'm going to start doing that. I may post them one at a time or all at once, whatever allows me to put in snappy captions. We'll see.
(9:05 pm update - its snowy and we just had some thunder. Up until the last couple weeks I've never heard of a snowy thunderstorm, but this is probably the third one we've heard about... cra cra)
Monday, January 7, 2008
Road Trip
Day 3: Bozeman, MT to Rapid City, SD (515.4 miles)
In looking at the weather patterns we decided to go ahead and take I-90 across Montana, through Wyoming and into South Dakota. We set off early in the morning for Rapid City South Dakota. The high winds the night before left many cars and trucks overturned on the freeway. We passed by one large semi overturned into a ditch just outside of Livingston Montana. When we left Bozeman snow was falling, but by the time we reached South Dakota the weather had cleared up. Jax was very tired after playing with all of his dog friends in Montana and slept all day in the car and then all night in the hotel room. We had a nice view of Devil's Tower as we passed through Wyoming. Rapid City was uneventful, but a lot bigger than we expected. Note to travelers: Safeway in Rapid City did not allow us to use the $1.40/gallon discount that we accumulated in Pullman... these must be regional. We have also discovered that all of the Chevron and Texaco stations across the Northern US have vanished... this makes it extremely difficult to use gas gift cards :-(
Day 4: Rapid City, SD to Missouri Valley, IA (502.7 miles)
Driving through South Dakota proved to be as entertaining as usual... we read 100's of billboards as we approached Wall Drug and then passed by the movie set for Dances with Wolves and the home of Laura Ingles Wilder. Note to travelers: every other town in South Dakota claims to be the home of Senator John Thune... he must have lived all over the state! Boy are we glad that our rental car has Sirius satellite radio... the comedy channels helped us pass the time and we listened to the Seahawks beat the Redskins the day before. There are a lot of unique artists in South Dakota... we passed by several roadside displays including a metal sculpture of a giant dinosaur skeleton being lead around on a leash by the human skeleton... and an art yard with a giant bull head, hammer and other art pieces... the key word here is GIANT... these sculptures are enormous, blending into the vast landscape.
A giant steer in the home of the Corn Palace.
Ahh the Corn Palace. If you ever drive through South Dakota you'll see signs for it, about as soon as you leave Wall. So you would think that it would be right off of the freeway given all the publicity, but no. It was a good 15 minutes from the freeway, in the middle of town. I guess because admission is free they have to get you to spend money some other way. Sneaky sneaky chamber of commerce.
We didn't get a picture of it because I could not pull the camera out in time, but the police cars in the town that is the home of the Corn Palace that I cannot remember of the name of, have numbers on the back like in NASCAR. Crazy.
It's good to know that the fireman are ready should the Corn Palace catch fire.
Sun sets over South Dakota.
You can barely make this out but here is the sign for Colfax, Iowa.
Our navigator. This is us leaving Ohio.