Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Heat Wave

How Much is Your Dollar Worth?
$1 = 6.0739 SEK

Now that we are past the summer solstice it is now getting dark here at night again. It's still light out after 10 pm but around midnight it is now dark enough that we can see stars in the sky again. For the last two-and-a-half months we could not see the stars at night because the sky was never dark enough. Kind of weird when you think about it.

We also just finished up with a big heat wave here. This past weekend the mercury topped out over 90 degrees (F) here. I know that's not a big deal coming over here from Pullman where a good part of July and August and even September can be that hot, but it's slightly more humid here and it is really unusual up here where the average temp in July is only 61.9 degrees (F) so that's kind of a big swing. We bought a fan for the flat partake in the Swedish custom of enjoying ice cream to combat the oppressive heat.

Still don't have ID cards... super.

The other big news is that on Saturday we are leaving for Dublin for a week. Ragen has a conference there and I get to tag along. We're pretty excited. We planned a couple extra days so we can tour around. So expect plenty of pictures in the next few posts.

In other news:

-Still looking for work. With the country taking July off it's hard to find anyone to. So we'll see what happens when we back from Ireland. On the plus side I did get to spend a week as her lab tech with the dogs. We weren't actually working on her project but somebody else's. Still it was fun. Hold the dog, let the dog go, get the dog, hold the dog, let the dog go... It was fun. I may get to help out again when we get her project going.

-I guess we don't have any other news really. Our phones work. Getting ready to fly to Ireland this summer. A Lufthansa strike may affect our flights back to Sweden next week, but since we are flying on Lufthansa operated by SAS, who knows.

-Football gets going again after we get back. That will be fun. We have four games left and hopefully the playoffs so at least we got that going for us.

-The Julia Roberts trend seems to have subsided as well as the Steven Segal one. Richard Gere may be up for the crown now but he's not nearly as interesting as Steven Segal and the characters he plays... "He's a take-no-prisoners lawyer out to protect the environment," "He's a take-no-prisoners shaman out to protect the environment," "He's a take-no-prisoners elementary school lunch lady out to save the environment." Come on, that guy can play anything.

-Also, Apple-Lime-Elderflower cider is quite tasty.

So that's it for now. We'll try to say more from the Emerald Isle. Later

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