Monday, September 15, 2008


How Much Is Your Dollar Worth?
$1 = 6.7565 SEK
(It's really going up)

Ok I know I have been neglecting the blog lately.  My apologies.  Here is the long promised slideshow from our trip to Dublin.  It was a good trip as I mentioned before.  The slideshow has some more of our touristy pics from places like the Guinness Storehouse and the Old Jameson Distillery.  And yes you get sample beverages at both places.  You can get a complimentary pint, or half pint, from Guiness and a drink from Jameson.  Either on the rocks, or with coke (which we learned is from NY and also Madrid), with cranberry juice (originated in Dublin), or Apple juice (Germany).  Good stuff.  And both are pretty interesting tours.

As for what's been going on with us since then, we finally got ID cards!!!! We can now rent movies!! Now we can fully integrate into Swedish culture.  All it took was 6+ months, and the head of the finance department of SLU to call up the President of the bank and gave him the what for.  And then we went down to the bank with Ragen's boss to open a new account and purchase our ID cards for 350 SEK each.  Lovely.  So that's kind of important.

The 86ers season ended without a trip to the playoffs, more on that later.  We listened to the Cougs get beat on in Seattle and Pullman, and watched them get beat on in Texas.  Good times.
I still get to play with the dogs and looking for other work.  Oh, and it is getting darker and colder already.

So, until next time, which will be a lot sooner than last time.

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